#The scarf on his og design is really fun too
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overthinkingspark-blue · 6 months ago
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Drew Rise Leo in his gear from some concept art posted by Andy Suriano
Original Post:
thoughts & alt version below the cut
This design really made me think about how character designs go through changes overtime depending on the needs of the medium, and since these designs need to be drawn consistently over and over for animation, the details need to be cut down drastically unlike in singular illustrations
I kinda found the gear a bit obnoxious to draw honestly.. just being honest- probably the straps combined with the final plastron design was the most annoying thing >.> Though I can’t deny that it looks cool 👀
Anyway, this was fun! I liked getting to experiment around with replicating the art style! Funnily enough, this is the first time I’ve drawn ankles and knuckles on the turtles, so that was interesting to try out too!
Version without the concept art + original concept art used
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joydoesathing · 5 months ago
Joy… Lets just… appreciate your brain.
Like, in OG tnmn if a guys is wearing a tie, you manage to put in in the gender bend’s design (Agnes’ necklace, W’s necklace, Izabelle’s scarf, Francis’ dress she wears under the milklady coat, arlenes scarf etc etc)
You stick to their OG colour pallete! Like how Martins tie has the polka dots (ref to Margerettes dress) and Raffael’s Hawaiian t-shirt!
You actually stick to like, 50s fashion. Like, accurate 50s fashion.
Your artstyle itself is just gorgeous
They just LOOK like their genderbend’s genderbend. You can easily tell who’s who without confusion
Character design isn’t even the SURFACE of your creativity.
Im being fr, you’re a really good storyteller.
You see the characters as real life people with actual stories and views.
YOU DO RESEARCH!!!!!! THIS IS ONE OF THE THINGS I APPRECIATE THE MOST! You actually research and understand facts about the 50s and its customs and what they considered normal!
Something else I like about the characters is that they’re realistic, yes I’m extremely delusional and want Frances x Nacho to be together but they aren’t exactly made for eachother, which is why they aren’t together. WHICH MAKES SENSE!
YOU WOULD WILLINGLY CHANGE A CHARACTER’S LORE IF SOMETHING NEW IS DISCOVERED IN THE GAME! I’m mainly talking about Dr. w and Michael, you changed their age (27 to 36) when the th project document got solved, and you said youd change some things up abt Wil’s lore again in campaign mode
Okay, so this might be controversial but… I really appreciate how You didn’t draw NSFW of Nacho x Frances. Yes, they’re your characters and you have to power to draw whatever you want with them (chelsea in the corn outfit lmao) But you chose not to draw NSFW of the 2. FRANCES WAS SEVENTEEN! Imho, you made a good decision.
YOU ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND ALL THE BIASES! Martin was judged because of his eye, Wilma was judged because she was a WOMAN, and Anatolii is judged because of not having a mother and glenn and arlene are judged for their race.
Okay thats chap 1 of me talking abt how much i appreciate ur au.
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My heart cannot- thank you for appreciating the effort that i invest too much into the characters 💗
when I made this AU, I initially did it for making genderbent designs for them but afterwards i thought that it would be more fun for the neighbors to have they're own individual traits and detailed stories!
i value putting in all my effort I can give to make sure everyone is their own character at the end of the day.
not to be judgemental but i kind of find it very unsatisfying when there's only certain neighbors that are given so much emphasis and detail and the rest are treated like "props" or their personality, dialogue, actions and drive are solely built around the certain character/s with a lot of detail to make them look better or have story development while the "prop" characters themselves remain stagnant with no interesting traits to them or only one-dimensional traits
and honestly for me, i feel like the characters would be more interesting and fun if they were kind of realistic ,aka have some kind of character development and have faced struggles and biases on the way, so that from there, the neighbors, while coming from very different backgrounds and lives, can still connect, empathize and make bonds with each other via similar struggles in their lives :))
so in conclusion: my enthusiasm for making genderbent designs for them + wanting all of them to be actual characters with character gave birth to what is known as my genderbend au. it became my little isolated platform in the tnmn fandom where i can go crazy with these expectations and wants for the neighbors without necessarily conflicting with the hcs that people have for the OG neighbors
(also I don't mind if you make a whole ass list)
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ninjagirlstar5 · 9 months ago
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Akane, beyond the grave: *steals her ex-friend's ultimate talent*
Jokes aside, the wheel chose Sora to be the Ultimate Merchant, so that's fun! Designing her outfit was interesting since I know Akane would take her role as a merchant seriously, but since Sora is (supposedly) an amnesiac, she would not have the memories that would influence her personality and decision-making, let alone her tastes in fashion. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that I approached this design not by thinking on what Akane would wear, but rather what Sora would cobble together upon waking up the first time and what peaked her interest as an Ultimate Merchant.
In Sora's OG design, she was just wearing a regular school uniform, and in Teruya's designs, they were either a school uniform he personally designed himself, so he was doing self-promotion by physically wearing his own product, or just a regular suit underneath a very iconic coat with a hat, scarf and goggles which were all mementos of people he held dear. Both are good designs in their own right, although Sora's was definitely the simplest and perhaps uninteresting between the two of them. And considering that a part of being a merchant is making an impression on your customers and fellow businesspeople, Ultimate Merchant Sora can't look too simple to the point that she just blends in with a crowd. So I decided to go with an outfit that's similar in it's simplicity like her uniform but leaning a bit more towards a business-like vibe. So now she has a button-up, a shorter skirt, replaced her ascot with a tie, gave her a jacket to help her stick out more, and made her socks shorter along with some transparent tights underneath. While Akane is pretty professional in her design (when not in Despair), Sora comes off as someone who's much more casual in personality, hence why her button-up has it's collar popped open a bit and is untucked, her tie is a bit loose, and her original mary janes were replaced with sneakers. I also gave her skirt and jacket her matching criss-cross plaid pattern as not only was it an iconic part of her OG design, but I think Sora would choose this pattern to stand out thanks to her instinct as the Ultimate Merchant. Her hair went through some minor changes as I wanted to reference my Akane redesign's bang hairstyle a bit by giving Sora a similar style, just with a straighter style as Akane's hair is a bit more...floofier, to say the least. I also moved Sora's ponytail over her shoulder cause I wanted it to be more visible and as I mentioned in my Kiyoka redesign, making a low ponytail visible in a front-facing sprite like this one can get lost behind the body. I think it looks kinda nice like this. I stuck to her black, white, and red color palette and thus, we are done with Sora.
Next up is Kokoro!
Considering Sora is supposed to be Akane (but not really) in original canon, Sora's "backstory" might as well be her past up to the DRA events, but one that she had completely forgotten due to her amnesia. Since I mentioned not going with the Neo World Program setting for the killing game back in my Swap Talent Yoruko post, I'm gonna approach this as if Sora really was Akane and not just an algorithm put together to protect Yuki and attached to Akane's brain (or however this game described it on how Sora can be familiar with the DRA events but not know them).
Honestly, the most that would change from this is that Akane was supposed to die at the end of the DRA events but when her body inherited Divine Luck, she ended up surviving instead. But due to her injuries and being underwater for so long, even the Divine Luck couldn't keep her memories intact, so when she woke up in a hospital, she literally didn't know who she was and could only think of "Sora" as a name. So, unable to remember who she really is and the horrible things she's done, Sora kinda just...goes off to do her own thing as she searches for answers on who she is. In the process, she realizes that she has a distinct talent in business, and she uses them to buy and sell products to try and help others during the Tragedy. Which she's able to do very well...with a bit of luck. (I always considered that Divine Luck isn't the most active when the user isn't consciously aware that they have it. It's how DRA!Yuki had Divine Luck the whole time but people still died/bad things still happened because he just wasn't aware that he has a literal deus ex machina that is Divine Luck, and the only times it became active in his subconscious was when he was involved in a game reliant on luck or willed for a scenario so badly that it just happened, like with what happened with Kinjo in Chapter 5. Same with Sora in canon and it's basically the same here.) So Sora starts making headway with her reputation, with some people even calling her the "Ultimate Merchant" although she laughs it off since she doesn't have any papers to prove she was ever an Ultimate (she was). Mikado finds out about this, curiously looks into it since "Hey, wasn't there an Ultimate Merchant in the Proto-Killing Game?", and, after a lot of digging, he figures out that Sora is most likely Akane who managed to survive her fate from DRA, most likely due to her own luck. But of course, he never figured out that she has THE Divine Luck, he just assumed that either her Fortune pulled through for her or Utsuro blessed her a second time to save her life before dying. Either way, he needed an extra player since his class only had fourteen students, and who would be better than the accomplice to the mastermind herself? And oooh, how convenient, she also has amnesia so she can't blab about how strangely similar these events are in her previous killing game (although to say everything goes according to Mikado's plan would be a lie). So he snatches her up and does some convenient memory science alterations with the help of Void, more on that in future posts, to make her believe that this is her first time waking up and is a part of their class in this strange killing game when really, none of them had met her until now.
And to make matters worse, it's through this killing game that Sora finally starts to find out who she is and what her past was. And OH boy, would that hit her like a fucking truck to find out that she was a Despair and even got most of her real classmates and friends killed for the sake of her Master Utsuro. Since she has no memories of when she was Akane Taira, the dissonance between her past self and her current self is VERY strong and she's riddled with a huge sense of guilt and shame. Even to the very end, she never fully remembers her past, but she does take responsibility for her past actions even if she'll never forgive herself as Akane Taira.
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py-dreamer · 2 years ago
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(click photo for better quality)
Yo!!! Y'know that one character sheet of puppycat and his crew as the space outlaws? Yea I tried to recreate that with this silly gang.
I'm personally quite happy with how these designs turned out (though Tripitaka is still Tripitaka but just small-) I added cloud buttons to the hanfu and like shoulder paldrons or something to make it look more like a captain's coat.
I also noticed the moon and stars motif on puppycat and decided to replace that with suns and clouds. Including the ring. I hope the scarf looks cool and not too dorky.
With Macaque, I pretty much just took off his sleeves shoes and put clouds on his pants as well as the lantern around his belt. His six ears are a nice substitute for Violet's wings though
The flowers are inspired after peach blossoms and warmer colour scheme like wukong's. (I also noticed the yellow outlines on the original flowers so I gave these a blue outline)
So yeah, Tripitaka is now the smart inventor kid of the crew and in this au he and Mac get on quite well. I imagine he's a combo of a tech genius and also like magic genius I guess? Explains how he made MK anyway...
Oh yeah! He also plays the role of Mk's dad here with his magic juju and stuff...
I know there's a small cat and fish guy on the og crew but I can't really think of anyone who can fit their roles so maybe three is best
please feel free to ask me or @cats-and-confusion about this silly au! I'm having way to much fun with it and have lots of ideas and pictures lined up in the future!
We should also really come up with a name for this au, huh?
reblogs > likes
(but any feedback is appreciated!)
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terror-of-life · 2 years ago
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@kenntowol IF you are Sure uhhhh things got really silly with our ideas. it's deep in a thread under apkallu before the oc devchannel existed. i'm copypasting some of it.
r:3 is Slightly Coherent.
"what if morganna made an AI by herself somehow?"
mana calls himself a "mommy's boy" that is "looking for his sister"
probably did not have a benign motivation to do so lol
same colorscheme. blue-ish eyes, fluffy white hair, mostly white outfit.
he was out mingling with players pretending to be one. he was probably the weirdest player out there, but y'know.
and the noob helpers got to him. people were actually befriending him. it was Not what he and/or morganna (?) would expect lol.
he has a sorta similar thing to aida as well - Learning About People and Emotions through being around players. but he's doing this from the perspective of Just Another Player rather than a lowkey omniscient virus (?) - so he gets help from players who just generally treat him like a noob and/or a kid. he gets help. some people are nice to him.
something something whatever end goal morganna made him for... eventually doesn't seem likely to work? based on how positive people are and however they have fun with the game or whatever. hes just an AI slowly developing an understanding of emotions.
like. it is a Video Game people play For Fun. because they Want To Play. yknow? people can avoid a reality that sucks by losing themselves in a video game. the bad stuff is pretty tame compared to irl struggles. cc corp did something right.
it's a positive bias when seeing people around him being generally happy, lol.
for some reason we talked about him making his own phases? since morganna's are most likely off limits by then tbh. he just AI generated something like the epitaph of twilight. it was so awkward.
there were 7 of them. uhhh sakaki / hiiragi / bordeaux / alkaid / new / new / new. now that i think about it... kaede or matsu would be fun too.
they probably do not get along very well. i hope zelkova can help with that.
actually i think he should be the new-phases-guildmaster in this silly idea lmao
anyway. since these phases were made by an AI from right in the game itself, they'd be more... optimized?
^ so there's no anti-existence to balance it.
idk where we were going with this part.
piros the 4th can absolutely be a part of the positive character development. an Inspiration
in his first form (a cute squishy bo-like design) he had a ∅ null sign on the scarf/cape/etc, but it swaps to a Möbius loop after Character Development (with the redesign.)
upon meeting the og epitaphs: "So these are Mom's phases…"
i forgot to include balmung on the design inspiration list so i'll have to remember that if i ever go back to this idea properly.
there was probably more to say but this is too long and i'm sorry it's so cheesy OTL
the r/dothack server is enabling me so heres Mana, trying his best to combine as many things aesthetically attractive to other players as possible. true AI logic
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look, hes doing his best.
it looks stupid but tbh when ur examples of "widely attractive leader types" are ovan and sakaki and u throw in things from fem models too... it's also technically an AI-generated redesign and we all know how well Those go, lmfao
as for what little context im willing to give:
"... Sis, why did you leave? Players are fun."
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dnpanimationstudioclone · 2 years ago
Ghost Writer Redesign Discussion🪶
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     I really like OG Ghost Writer’s design. The colors r nice, love the coat and scarf, plus he’s kinda like a looks can be deceiving case. Compared to other ghosts he doesn’t look as scary as them which makes how much he can get the upper hand on Danny all the more impressive. I wanted to push the horror theme more, specifically gothic horror into his design.
The biggest change is that I made him a bird🐦 I think you can guess why, hint (”Nevermore”). Though fun fact, he’s actually a crow, not a raven, as shown with his smaller beak and thinner physique while ravens have more curved beaks and bigger. Ducktales is a really good reference for making bird characters, especially their beaks.
Made his hair like feathers. Added a short ponytail for extra feathers. I’m putting his power into his feathers so it makes sense for him to grow out his hair🪶
Replaced his shirt for a turtleneck sweater.
Made his coat a lighter purple with darker accents. Also added elbow patches and made the cuffs and lapel bigger🧥
Isn’t wearing pants, his legs now bird ones. Ngl while designing his legs, made me realize how it looks like birds wear puffy pants, lol.
No longer wears shoes, since he has bird feet. Does wear spats though. I think Scrooge McDuck would approve.
Made his scarf striped like bird legs and made the ends darker and tassels more apparent.
Made his glasses pore pointed and added a tint shading to the glass👓
Added a tealish blue into his palette💙 To add more to his palette aswell as give off a calm, neutral vibe.
Wanted to make him more gothic, specifcally Victorian gothic. Pushing the classic horror more for him. I do defend giving him a Victorian style outfit like Edgar Allen Poe’s but I really liked the modern elements he had and I feel like he died in more modern times so I went for a mix of classic and modern goth elements. The coat, fingerless gloves and spats especially. The bird skull necklace is a more modern part(the fingerless gloves can also be seen as that too). I also wanted to keep the modern sophisticated look, his OG design had. The type you’d see professors or writers on book covers wear in illustrations/cartoons. Like the turtleneck, elbow patches and scarf.
OG Color scheme-Grays, purple, black, white and green.
My Color Scheme-Black, grays, purple, tealish blue, bluish tints and white.
Made his round, green eyes, sharp blue ones. Also removed his pupils.
Gave him fingerless gloves.
Made his hands bigger and fingers sharper at the end, since they also count as his wings🦅
Removed his eyebrows as well as goatee.
Also doesn’t have ears or a human nose. Being a bird.
Added lines under his eyes. Feels like a guy who feels stressed and tired a lot.
Added a bluish tint to most of my blacks and grays as light usually reflects off crows, giving them a sorta bluish tint.
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What do you think? How would you redesign GW? I’d love to know💖
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fullmoonfireball · 3 years ago
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finally snapped and decided to Monster High-ify some of the monster AU designs because I’ve had that idea rotating in my brain for a while now
some notes under the cut if you’re inch rested
Aspmine is... a real stretch of a pun, I know, but I couldn’t come up with anything better. I considered “Jaserpent”, but that felt way too clumsy. and yes it DOES feel weird to spell her name with an E at the end, but “Aspmin” didn’t look right. also I changed his last name/parentage to fit MH’s continuity better.
Asp’s style is overall wintery, with a bit of greek influence and a healthy does of accessories (pins, patches, etc.)
the hair+hat was inspired by Deb from The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals, because their normal “haircut” didn’t quite fit the MH vibe unfortunately 😔
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I know logically I should’ve made their mouth look more cute/feminine with lipstick and such (probably something comparable to Venus McFlytrap’s mouth), but I’m too attached to monster!Jazz’s =} face to draw him any other way
the ‘snake’ around Asp’s neck isn’t real. it’s just a fancy knit scarf. the belt, however, is snakeskin! or it’s supposed to look like it, at least.
the other Gorgon characters have legs, I know, but hear me out. I hate drawing high heels. Deuce and Viperine look pretty different in terms of monstrous features, and there are Monster High dolls with tails instead of legs, so I think I can keep her shape the same, as a treat. plus it reflects the og AU’s Weirdness in their family (with having some cockatrice in the family, which helps a little to explain how her cousin is a siren)
yeah I... couldn’t figure out a good pun for him. I tried to work in a “John Doe” angle because of how “Guy” (pronounced like “gi”) looks like the word “guy”, and noppera-bō are faceless, but I couldn’t make it flow right. so instead, his last name is just “whose face” (誰の顔) bc it was the best thing I could come up with
unlike Jazz, I didn’t decide to tweak his family to be related to Kiyomi Haunterly. nothing against her (I haven’t even seen Haunted), but noppera-bō are generic yōkai and as opposed to specific individuals like the Gorgon sisters, and if other generic creatures can have multiple unrelated characters, so can they.
I had to give ONE of these boys that Generic Manster Drip™, and with Guy being a jock who I often portray in a letterman jacket... yeah, he was the obvious target. I think I managed to spice it up enough to 1) show that he’s fashionable “despite” being a jock, and 2) add enough monstrous flare to it, though.
I thought about adding more distinctly Japanese elements to their outfit (kind of like Kiyomi’s sailor collar necklace...thing) but I wasn’t sure how to go about it. the popular male school uniform didn’t combine well with the letterman jacket look, and putting a buttonup shirt under the jacket made him look too formal for these purposes.
yes, the back pack is meant to be a stand-in for JPG’s.. JP. not much to say about it other than the fact I’m probably a little too proud of the transparency effect with it and his hand.
speaking of the transparency, I’m actually pretty happy with how it looks on him! I usually portray monster!Guy as just a normal-looking guy until he wipes his face off, since that’s how noppera-bō are, but the more ghostly elements were really fun to add, honestly. the white lines for the face especially were a little tricky, but look really satisfying!
I also made his hair lighter and a bit ‘cloudy’ to capture the look that most MH ghosts have with their flowy hair, while still keeping it the texture intact.
coming up with a good name for him was a pain in the ass. I tried to do something based off “transform” (bc heehee he’s trans), but it didn’t feel right. I also tried using “Buddy” as his ‘nickname’ for a while since Dog, but I eventually settled on using his original ‘nickname’, because it offered a funny bit of irony when paired with him being a werewolf. the last name also might have been stolen from an ancient MH OC of mine, but we don’t need to delve into that.
I still don’t really know how his family situation works in the actual AU, but here he and his siblings (a harpy and a merrow) are the adoptive children of a shapeshifter and... probably a living sculpture? I haven’t actually decided for sure what Polaris and Callie Graphee are in the main AU yet.
technically, Rookie’s a wulver and not a werewolf in the monster AU, but even ignoring some jokes I’ve made about the idea of his AU self being a werewolf... he’s literally a werewolf in canon. I’m allowed to take this “liberty”.
okay, onto actual design notes! I tried to keep his summery Funnie Guy fashion style from canon but... he turned out a lot more alt than I intended? I don’t dislike it, but it’s interesting that the look ended up taking such a turn without my intent.
at first I tried to give him the letterman jacket, because I think it’s an underrated look for him, but... yeah no. too plain, and it felt redundant with Guy.
the suspenders were inspired by SCPPS’s design for Director!Rookie, because I think the loose suspenders are very charming on him!
decided to go with torn capris instead of his typical shorts to fit the MH vibe (since shorts are usually relegated to sport or beach lines), as well as emphasize the werewolf vibe.
to finish off that werewolf vibe, I decided to give him a collar choker, mostly inspired by the werewolves in Fright On!, albeit styled more like a normal dog collar than the spiked ones they have.
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angermango · 4 years ago
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Magax (Neopets) redesign
Got inspired again after the Gilly redesign from before for another fun take on an existing character. Here’s the original edgy old cat who was woefully neglected by TNT in terms of character potential given he had a whole ~mysterious dark past~ and a documented rivalry with a fairly popular villain.
I was doing something more on the consolidation of designs path as Magax has had a load of designs over the years (and/or TNT was inconsistent in their art and designs sometimes...) so I tried to keep the elements of his core look while adding little embellishments or flairs. I like to think of Magax as a weary old soul who lives in a graveyard hunting ghosts and monsters every night so he looks kind of mangy and mean from years spent out alone in the deep Haunted Woods - but I’m sure it’s just his face, he’s probably an okay guy.
So yeah I kept most of Magax’s iconic features like his earring, eye scar, and goatee seeing as those seem to be staples in his look
Since I made him scarred all over I tried to make Magax’s famous eye scar stand out more so it’s a bigger, more raw-looking mark rather than just a thin line. I like to think that he got it when he fought Hubrid Nox for the first time after he turned his back on the way of evil, and during the battle Nox nailed him in the face with something that later became a trademark of his look.
Added on more scars and a chewed up ear to up the Edge on the look and show off that he’s a fighter, the old grizzled lone warrior type
The scarf is a nod to one of his prehistoric designs where he had a red cape and totally different armour - maybe it’s the same cape, worn with age and repurposed to keep his neck from getting chilly without his mane now
Does Magax wear manacles? Gloves? Neither? The NeoTeam artists can’t seem to decide, so why not all at once in a fingerless-glove-with-braces combo?
Magax has always worn this kind of vest thingy in some form and it’s changed colours from grey to black to green so i settled for a dull near-black green since green seems to be a part of his thing. He also kind of just wears it as one layer without anything else underneath, which I mean fair enough when you’re a magical warrior you probably don’t worry about that stuff. I put a kind of singlet underneath you can barely see just so he can say he’s got some layers
The belt combines his old design buckle and new design where he has a random bag on it but i figure a guy’s allowed to have somewhere to hide his... whatever is meant to be in there
His green magic is just rendered like that because I was having fun with layer blending modes and filters. The Flash-era effects don’t really give his magic powers much in way of visual flair nor are they that consistent: They look more or less like solid green bars and orbs in his games, while in other official art it’s rendered either like flames or lightning (plus his Neopets TGC card had him down as a Fire element alignment). I did a bit of both because Rule of Cool but I imagine that his magic is unique in that it manifests pretty much however he wants as a kind of pure raw energy magic.
His trusty Darklight Axe I gave it a little bit of a makeover too with a heavy battleaxe design and engravings on the head just because it looks sick. I assume it’s made out of the same green magic he wields so it’s kind of like a solid power construct or something (like Green Lantern? idk) I find it weird that his axe is only shown in art and alluded to in his Neopedia article as if it’s a normal if not staple part of his arsenal - heck, even his name suggests it’s like his signature weapon of choice, yet he doesn’t actually use it in his games to fight and instead just uses shooty beam spam
Bonus: OG Magaxes for comparing -
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#neopets#neotag#neoart#magax#redesign#>>mango(t)art#oh magax edgy cat man who has been ignored soundly by TNT as a potential plot-interesting/relevant character#TNT straight up made a bunch of OCs some of whom had hinted complex and deep back stories or history and then just forgot or ignored them#maybe Magax's weird unrevealed dark past and heinous crimes worthy of exile transcend the fourth wall#so he is doomed to rot in stagnant creative limbo where even his creators refuse to interact with him#seriously though in the era of neopets straight up making random characters for game and world building fodder i used to find magax cool#and i did wish and hope for more explanation on his whole reformed villain past and rivalry with Hubrid Nox#I mean it was weirder that Hubrid was a character who had a number of game appearances or was alluded to#yet Magax only was shown being opposed to him in his own game and even then couldn't even fight Nox there just get inconvenienced#then they straight up murdered Nox in one of the plots and only showed Magax in an Advent Calendar animation#where he was reacting to Nox being dead#and later got a few weird ones where he's apparently gone and befriended ghost!hubrid and frequently goofs around with him#and even then i find the canonicity of the Advent Calendar animations dubious#since they range from festive fluff with no real relevance to borderline crack#not to mention the quality got so absurdly bad in the recent years it's painful#anyways that's enough crack in the tags
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sapphirevulpix · 6 years ago
Saiph, Saph or Taryn. Discuss
Lets go in order, shall we?~why you gotta make me choose like this
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First up is Saiph (Sai for short), named after the star by the person sending this ask and only related to Saph by pure ironyHe’s *technically* the newest sona, although his design has existed for a while, actually longer than Taryn I think. He’s a glaceon/flareon/umbreon (glarebreon) fusion, and while I haven’t had a ton of chance to figure out his thing, he tends to be more calm and mature, sorta like Saph if he wasn’t such a baby khjsjfgHe’s not an oc and probably won’t be so that’s really all I got for him oof
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Next up is Saph, the OG boiSaph is my original sona and the only one I’ve designed myself (minus the scarf, which was a later addition). He’s more or less my “public” side, or a more exaggerated version of how I tend to act when out in public. Shy, nervous, doesn’t like eye contact, etc. He likes adventure but is often too scared to go, and due to his upbringing, is very quick to get attached to people who show him any semblance of kindness.
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Last up is this bitch, Taryn. She’s a glaceon/flareon (glareon) and was originally an OC for a group project that never took off, but as her personality developed I realized that I was basically just writing the other side of me so I made her a secondary sona whoopsShe’s the opposite of Saph, being more of my “private” side that comes out once I get comfortable around someone/when nobody else is around and is outgoing, mischevious, and very smug. As with the others, her personality mostly contains exaggerated aspects of my own, with a few unique aspects thrown in. She is definitely one of the most fun to write out of all my characters, with only Mocha being more fun overall.
Overall, if I had to pick only one to use as a sona from now on, it would be Saph, simply because he was the first, and because he’s the closest to my heart out of all of them. Realistically though, they’re all equally important to me and you would have to hold me at gunpoint to get me to actually pick just one
(all art by @maple-and-pie)
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